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Brazilian Folklore

Some Brazilians legends :)

Boitatá is a Brazilian legend, especially from the Amazon region. The boitata is a guardian of the forests and rivers of the Amazon. Setting fire to anyone who tries to destroy the forest. I really wish this creature was real, not just a legend.

Boitatá is a Brazilian legend, especially from the Amazon region. The boitata is a guardian of the forests and rivers of the Amazon. Setting fire to anyone who tries to destroy the forest. I really wish this creature was real, not just a legend.

Mula Sem Cabeça
This is a creature of Brazilian folklore, one of my favorites since childhood. Despite not knowing exactly the origin of the legend. According to legend, if a woman falls in love with a priest and has any relationship with him, she becomes

Mula Sem Cabeça
This is a creature of Brazilian folklore, one of my favorites since childhood. Despite not knowing exactly the origin of the legend. According to legend, if a woman falls in love with a priest and has any relationship with him, she becomes

This legend is of a morphing spirit of the Amazon forest that protects it and the animals that live in it.
Like most Brazilian legends and folklore, anyone who destroys or explores the forest, he will attack, becoming invisible to kick hunters a

This legend is of a morphing spirit of the Amazon forest that protects it and the animals that live in it.
Like most Brazilian legends and folklore, anyone who destroys or explores the forest, he will attack, becoming invisible to kick hunters a

Charia - The Celestial Jaguar ×
Sharia is an evil spirit belonging to Tupi-Guarani mythology.
The Tupis report how solar and lunar eclipses occur because this spirit is. In the meantime, I really can't draw evil creatures ... so he's not that evil.

Charia - The Celestial Jaguar ×
Sharia is an evil spirit belonging to Tupi-Guarani mythology.
The Tupis report how solar and lunar eclipses occur because this spirit is. In the meantime, I really can't draw evil creatures ... so he's not that evil.

Capelobo is a very common legend in the states of Amazonas, Maranhão and Pará.
It is a creature that devours people who get lost in the forest, haunting indigenous peoples and hunters.
He drinks the victims' blood and sucks their brain with his this tough

Capelobo is a very common legend in the states of Amazonas, Maranhão and Pará.
It is a creature that devours people who get lost in the forest, haunting indigenous peoples and hunters.
He drinks the victims' blood and sucks their brain with his this tough

Mapinguari is a legendary creature from the Amazon rainforest. According to legend, this creature devours people who get lost in the forest, but the Mapinguari that I drew is a little more docile, just looking for hugs.

Mapinguari is a legendary creature from the Amazon rainforest. According to legend, this creature devours people who get lost in the forest, but the Mapinguari that I drew is a little more docile, just looking for hugs.

This creature is a creature from the Tupi Guarani mythology. Its name is derived from the sound it makes when chasing its victims, who are usually naughty children. (although this creature devours any human being it encounters)

This creature is a creature from the Tupi Guarani mythology. Its name is derived from the sound it makes when chasing its victims, who are usually naughty children. (although this creature devours any human being it encounters)

×Cachorrinha D' Água×
According to this legend originated in Pernambuco, if you see this puppy on the banks of the São Francisco River, you will have enormous wealth and great luck on your journey. She's a good girl.

×Cachorrinha D' Água×
According to this legend originated in Pernambuco, if you see this puppy on the banks of the São Francisco River, you will have enormous wealth and great luck on your journey. She's a good girl.